
Showing posts from May, 2019

Top Shrubs & Climbing Plants for Your Garden

Top Shrubs & Climbing Plants for Your Garden Nothing can portray an English cottage garden better than a gorgeous climbing roses or wisteria framing the doorways and windows while adding a splash and dash of color here and there. And the choice of plants and shrubs isn’t limited to just these two. There is a wide variety of great climbers available at the plants and trees nursery in UK that can easily match your taste along with the available space. Besides, they can be utilized not just for the walls and doorways; climbers can easily transform the entire look of pergolas, fences and archway as well. Now, you would be wondering what all climbers and shrubs can be used around your house to give the place a dazzling new look. To help you with that, today we have a brought a few shrubs and climbing plants that fit the bill perfectly. So, let’s get started. 1.        Kentish Belle: Kentish Belle is a great shrub for the sun facing wall. It features a slim, purplish ste