How to Keep Your Garden Grass Green?

Though summers and winters are literally and figuratively poles apart, these are the seasons when you can enjoy the most with your family and friends. But at the same times, these times can be quiet harsh on your lawn, especially on the garden grass. We talked to the experts of bamboo and grasses nursery in the UK and they affirmed that if not taken care properly, the garden grass can easily perish beyond any repairs. Sometimes, you would find people watering their garden grass during the noon time when the sun is right on your head, just because their gardener asked them to do so. But unintentionally and unknowingly, they are simply worsening the situation. That is why to help you with this, today we have decided to talk about the various things that you can do to take care of your garden grass. So, let’s get started.

  1. Keep Your Lawn Aerated: If your lawn is one of the most used areas of your home, then there are chances that the top layer of soil that is directly beneath the grass has become compacted. When the soil becomes compacted, it leads to certain problems related to water drainage, air circulation and the absorption of nutrients. Moreover, important organisms such as earthworms can’t survive properly in compacted soil. Aeration is important if your soil is compacted. For all this, all you need to do is punch holes in the lawn that are about 3 inches deep. Aerating the soil gives your grass a perfect medium to grow.
  2. Water the Lawn Less Frequently, yet Deeply: If you think that turning on the lawn sprinklers for a few minutes a couple of times in a week would keep your garden fresh, then sadly you are wrong. For a lawn that is not only healthy from outside, but inside as well, it is important to water the lawn less frequently but deeply. When lawn is watered in the right manner, the grass roots will penetrate deeper in the soil, thus keeping the grass green even during the harsh weather.
  3. Use only Natural Fertilizers: Well, several people would be wondering why only natural fertilizers! The answer is simple: they are better for your garden grass as compared to the synthetic ones. Apart from this, natural fertilizers are better for you, your family and the environment as well.
  4. Trim the Grass Regularly and Accurately: To ensure that the grass of your garden remains healthy, it is crucial to know the accurate height to cut the grass. If you are keeping the settings of your lawn mower to the highest or lowest, it may not be ideal for the grass. You would be surprised to know that every grass species has its own requirements, even when it comes to the ideal height. Moreover, it is also suggested to keep the blades of your lawn mower sharp and nice so that the grass is cut in a better way.

With that being said, these are some of the tips that can help you keep your garden grass healthy. Want to know more about plants? Then, keep an eye on the various tips given by experts of garden plants and trees nursery in the UK.


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